Sustainability in Grupo Nutresa and in our Coffee Business
Impact of waste on the planet
In this blog post we want to talk about sustainability in Grupo Nutresa and in our coffee business Colcafé.
Did you know that according to the World Bank, the planet waste would increase around 70% by 2050? If we don´t start contributing with smart initiatives, our indifference would lead us to a planet catastrophe.
The purpose of Grupo Nutresa and the birth of Tribío
As part of our main purpose as Grupo Nutresa, we look forward to “Building a Better World Where Development Benefits Everyone”. As you can see in our purpose, Grupo Nutresa is built to generate value to our stakeholders; and this value is given in the form of three key pillars: Inspiring development, growth and innovation – cooperating with people, allies and society – preserving the planet.
With our higher purpose and pillars in mind, this is how Tribío was born. Tri (three pillars) Bio (life)

But let’s talk a little bit more about coffee and our coffee business!
The importance of Tribío in the use of coffee by-products
In the magic process of making the best coffee in the world, Colcafé obtains different byproducts through the different industrial processes. Coffee cascara, coffee husk, spent coffee grounds, among others and at this moment is where Tribío becomes a key player with a simple but important task; give a better use of these byproducts and have a real solution… an upcycling solution!
As part of this journey, we have understood every byproduct; identifying their characteristics and finding a whole world of opportunities in different industries such as agroindustry, biomaterials, natural ingredients, energy and even fashion.
However, Tribio´s job is far from being accomplished. We need to start with the great challenge of understanding these industries, how they work, what they need and how we can move a step forward from just having prototypes to having a real solution, an upcycling solution.
Our commitment to upcycling and sustainable solutions
Here is where Colcafé’s persuasion for excellence led to the R+D and sales team to create a portfolio of upcycling products.
Our upcycling solutions and concrete examples
From a reusable coffee husk cup to natural ingredients for beauty products, we are working with different national and international companies for upcycling solutions.
We invite you to see the following video, where you would see for the first time our reusable cup.
If you want to know more about the solutions we have for you, please contact us here.
A new life, a new opportunity to generate value.