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Imagen 1


We develop the talent of our people and enhance the quality of life of our work team, achieving committed collaborators, in an environment of balance and productivity.

We promote inclusive work environments and respect for differences.

We generate capacities in communities, allies and society, promoting productivity, equity and sustainability. (Volunteer network – Coffee farm productivity program – Inclusion of people from vulnerable populations and people with disabilities).

We act ethically and with integrity, within a framework of legality and transparency.



We preserve the planet

We take care of the environment, we seek to be eco-efficient to reduce the consumption of natural resources and we adopt measures against climate change.

We reduced our packaging material and have a post-consumption plan for our capsules and packaging that we call “Nutresa Retoma”.

We have Wastewater Treatment Plants at our headquarters, to comply with all water disposal parameters.

Part of the energy we use comes from coffee byproducts.

We promote the adoption of technologies and processes to achieve circular solutions with our packaging and traditionally non-edible foods.

We properly separate our waste and deliver it to certified managers who make a correct final disposal or reincorporation into the cycle.

We develop capabilities in our suppliers under a responsible sourcing model, minimizing environmental and social impacts.



We inspire development, growth and innovation

We manage our brands generating value and experiences for our clients and consumers.

We incorporate digital technologies that contribute to strengthening and developing capabilities in our audiences.

We implement technology that allows us to care for the environment and the health of our collaborators.

We promote innovation by generating positive impacts on social, environmental and economic aspects.

We take care of our resources by making effective use of them.

Discover more information about our
sustainability programs

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